Nordic walking has health benefits in common with other forms of exercise walking, with or without poles. However, the actual poles and techniques used in Nordic walking seem to bring together a unique combination of benefits, and act as a prism magnifying the overall health benefits. Only a … Continue Reading
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Cartoon of an oblivious Nordic Walker
Tagged With: Humour
Clever, humorous cartoon about an oblivious Nordic walker who has "zoned out" -- I won't give away the … Continue Reading

Nordic Walking: The Dork Factor
Tagged With: Humour
This Nordic walking clip was the very first thing I found on the web when looking for Nordic walking information, in which Klaus … Continue Reading

Choosing a Nordic Walking Pole
Tagged With: Poles
Foreword There is no formal, legal definition of what exact characteristics constitute a Nordic walking pole, or stick. Established brands of Nordic walking poles in Europe include Exel (Finland), Gabel … Continue Reading

Difference Between Nordic Walking and Trekking Poles
Tagged With: Poles
Nordic walking poles and trekking poles are both walking poles but they are meant for two different types of walking activity. Here's a great video by Linda Lemke of Minnesota who discusses with you which one you … Continue Reading

Nordic Walking: Detached vs Attached Straps
Tagged With: Accessories, Straps
Nordic walking poles with straps will fall into two sub-categories: those with straps permanently attached to the poles, or, those with detachable straps. Which you get is really just a … Continue Reading
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